Retail Cleaning


Asian Cleaning Services provides retail outlets and professional cleaners for major shopping centers right through to the individual retail outlets.Don't let your reputation, brand and sales suffer due to a dirty, unprofessional appearance. At Asian Cleaning Services, our retail outlets cleaning team of cleaners are fully experienced in the specifics of shopping centre and retail cleaning.

With so much competition amongst shopping and retail stores, why would you let a poor image impact your sales or retention rates. It has never been more important to present a clean, tidy and professional image to your customers and retail tenants. Increasing sales and providing a pleasant shopping experience to your customers is imperative. And, this starts with first impressions of cleanliness and professionalism, provided by a quality team of cleaners and a professional cleaning services company, such as Asian Cleaning Services. Don't waste effort, time and money, only to be let down by a dirty, unprofessional appearance. A clean looking and smelling retail site is also beneficial for employee morale and their overall health and safety.

Customers and prospective retail tenants typically associate a clean, tidy and pleasant smelling shopping centre and retail store with the quality of the product, services and brand. Overall, an unkempt, dirty and uncared for centre that looks and smells unpleasant can quickly turn away customers all of which head straight for competitors.

Our Asian Cleaning Services cleaners are highly experienced and provide the following cleaning services to shopping centre and retail clients:

  • Food Court Cleaning
  • Floor Cleaning (soft and hard floor surfaces)
  • Window Cleaning
  • Restrooms / Washrooms
  • Storage Areas
  • Car Parks
  • Outside / Landscapes Cleaning
  • Graffiti Removal
  • Emergency Cleans
  • Contract cleaning services(Weekly/Monthly/Yearly)
  • + + +

Let Asian Cleaning Services and our cleaners deliver superior commercial cleaning to you in order to provide an attractive, professionally presented shopping and retail space one that invites and attracts customers and retail tenants! We customize our cleaning services to your specific shopping and / or retail sites, ensuring you receive the best value for money commercial cleaning services that can be provided.

Need any help?

We are here to help our customer any time. You can call on 24/7 To Answer Your Question.

+971 508927532